Copy and Save Textbroker Articles

Those of you who normally read my blog here know that I am a strong supporter of the freelance writer website called textbroker. I just wanted to give a little piece of advice to anyone out there who writes for textbroker or any other website for that matter. This might seem like common sense for some people, then again others may not think of doing it. I usually do but every once in a while I will forget to and I payed the price today. Just what the heck am I talking about here? Copying your articles once you are done writing them!

When you accept an article to write for textbroker, you are given a certain amount of time to write it. The time you are given varies, it all depends on how long the textbroker client wants to give you once you accept the writing assignment. Some you will have 1 day to complete, some 7 days, and some even longer than that. Anyways, yesterday I accepted an assignment to write even though I knew I would not be able to write it at that moment. I figured I would write it the next time I logged on to textbroker, which was today. When I logged on today my writing assignment was right there ready for me to write, which I did. I really wanted to write this article because it was on a subject I knew lots about and would not have to do much research for, that's why I accepted it yesterday. Once I was completely done writing it and submitted it, my article was not accepted. I received a message that my time to write it had run out and that the article was back in the textbroker article pool. Oh no! I hit the back button on my browser hoping my article would still be there but just like I thought, it was gone. I understand that this was my fault for not copying it after I was done writing it but it still kind of hurt after spending time writing an article and then knowing that you just wasted your time.

When I logged on to textbroker today the textbroker writing assignment was still available to me because it had not been 24 hours since I accepted it. Once I hit the submit button though, the 24 hour mark had past so the assignment was sent back into the textbroker article pool. After looking for the article in the textbroker article pool, the article that I had written was right there in the available articles pool and I thought about writing it again but I just let it go as I had to log off and so some things. Had I copied my article, I would have been able to just accept the assignment again and paste my article in, and submit it. The lesson here, always copy your article once you are done writing it. Especially if you are not going to write it on the spot after accepting it.

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