Ehow unavailable status on articles still not fixed

I recently wrote a post about ehow fixing their unavailable status glitch on articles. Apparently this is one powerful bug because the ehow team has still not been able to completly fix this bug. I thought that the problem was fixed when some of my articles that had been sitting as unavailable suddenly were published. Others were still in unavailable status and I thought that they would soon be published, but it has now been a couple of more weeks and those articles are still unavailable.

I have been wanting to publish some more ehow articles on ehow, but to tell you the truth, I'd rather wait until all of this is over and ehow completely fixes this bug, which I'm sure they are really trying to do. I'm sure ehow wants it fixed just as much as we ehow writers all do.

If I was a new writer on ehow, I would probably give up on this site, but being that I have been writing for ehow for years, I know that ehow is one of the best websites to write useful content for. Oh yeah, and they actually do pay! Just in case anyone was wondering. Ehow is one of the best places for those with a love of writing to share what they know and turn their knowledge into ehow articles that others can learn from. I patiently wait (as I'm sure many others are), for ehow to get rid of this bug so we can all start getting down to business again and start writing ehow articles.

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